Sevtech guide begun 241116

I've begun work on the obsessive guide to sevtech hardcore.

At the time of writing, it has written parts through the first part of the tutorial age. Not much else to say at the moment, heheh. More done soon.

Hello. I'm new here. 241115

Things here are still a work in progress, but we might expect to see some stuff popping up soon.

This main page now has a fresh coat of paint, but not much to see yet. You may notice the (inactive) links at the top left. At least one of them will be active soon! I think you will like what my friend is cooking up, and that is how you will find it.

My first main project that I will be sharing on this site will be added soon: an obsessive guide into clearing the minecraft modpack Sevtech Ages in hardcore difficulty (There will be not-minecraft stuff here, don't worry.) A new link in the sidebarwill come alive when I start posting to it, and I'll be adding a post about it here too. See you soon, whoever is reading this.